Decoupling and discrete restriction inequalities have been very fruitful in recent years to solve problems in additive combinatorics and analytic number theory. In this talk I will present some work in decoupling for Cantor sets, including Cantor sets on a parabola, decoupling for product sets, and give applications of these results to additive combinatorics. Time permitting, I will present some open problems. Contains joint work with Alan Chang (Princeton), Rachel Greenfeld (UCLA), Asgar Jamneshan (Koç University), Zane Li (IU Bloomington), José Ramón Madrid Padilla (UCLA).
Decoupling and discrete restriction inequalities have been very fruitful in recent years to solve problems in additive combinatorics and analytic number theory. In this talk I will present some work in decoupling for Cantor sets, including Cantor sets on a parabola, decoupling for product sets, and give applications of these results to additive combinatorics. Time permitting, I will present some open problems. Contains joint work with Alan Chang (Princeton), Rachel Greenfeld (UCLA), Asgar Jamneshan (Koç University), Zane Li (IU Bloomington), José Ramón Madrid Padilla (UCLA).
Decoupling and discrete restriction inequalities have been very fruitful in recent years to solve problems in additive combinatorics and analytic number theory. In this talk I will present some work in decoupling for Cantor sets, including Cantor sets on a parabola, decoupling for product sets, and give applications of these results to additive combinatorics. Time permitting, I will present some open problems. Contains joint work with Alan Chang (Princeton), Rachel Greenfeld (UCLA), Asgar Jamneshan (Koç University), Zane Li (IU Bloomington), José Ramón Madrid Padilla (UCLA).
Decoupling estimates aim to study the “amount of cancellation” that can occur when we add up functions whose Fourier transforms are supported in different regions of space. In this talk I will describe decoupling estimates for a Cantor set supported in the parabola. I will discuss how both curvature and sparsity (or lack of arithmetic structure) can separately give rise to decoupling estimates, and how these two sources of “cancellation” can be combined to obtain improved estimates for sets that have both sparsity and curvature. No knowledge of what a decoupling estimate is will be assumed. Based on joint work with Alan Chang, Rachel Greenfeld, Asgar Jamneshan, José Madrid and Zane Li
he sensitivity theorem (former sensitivity conjecture) relates multiple ways to quantify the complexity, or lack of “smoothness”, of a boolean function f:{0,1}^n -> f : The minimum degree of a polynomial p(x):R^n -> R that extends f, the sensitivity s(f), and the block sensitivity bs(f). In 2019, H.Huang solved the conjecture with a remarkably short proof. I will give a self-contained explanation of this proof, and motivate the importance of the (former) conjecture by relating it to other measures of complexity for boolean functions.
Decoupling and discrete restriction inequalities have been very fruitful in recent years to solve problems in additive combinatorics and analytic number theory. In this talk I will present some work in decoupling for Cantor sets, including Cantor sets on a parabola, decoupling for product sets, and give applications of these results to additive combinatorics. Time permitting, I will present some open problems. Contains joint work with Alan Chang (Princeton), Rachel Greenfeld (UCLA), Asgar Jamneshan (Koç University), Zane Li (IU Bloomington), José Ramón Madrid Padilla (UCLA).