Decoupling, Cantor sets, and additive combinatorics

Feb 17, 2022 3:00 PM — 4:00 PM
[UK] University of Bristol’s Analysis and Geometry Seminar

Decoupling and discrete restriction inequalities have been very fruitful in recent years to solve problems in additive combinatorics and analytic number theory. In this talk I will present some work in decoupling for Cantor sets, including Cantor sets on a parabola, decoupling for product sets, and give applications of these results to additive combinatorics. Time permitting, I will present some open problems. Contains joint work with Alan Chang (Princeton), Rachel Greenfeld (UCLA), Asgar Jamneshan (Koç University), Zane Li (IU Bloomington), José Ramón Madrid Padilla (UCLA).

Postdoctoral Researcher

Postroctoral researcher @ETHZ. My research interests include harmonic analysis (restriction, decoupling), Elliptic PDEs and deep learning theory.
